Portrait of Patricia’s Father
Felix Argast
Composer & Trumpeter
Designer SID / SWB (swiss industrial design / swiss-werk-bund)
“With Te Deum and 150th Psalm, published in 2018, Felix Argast has created two archaic and haunting works that bridge the gap to our times.”
(Wolfgang G.Haas, Cologne 2018)
Felix Argast
*1936 in Basel
has been composing church music for decades. The range of his
arranged forms and the variability of expression of his compositions is enormous. The one pole is formed by works that vary forms of popular church music, e.g. spiritual arrangements, on the other hand, Felix Argast creates pieces whose basis are significant texts such as Pater Noster, Song for an Angel, and texts by Francis of Assisi. His works have freshness and expressiveness
and are published by Wolfgang G.Haas-Musikverlag Köln e.V.
See: https://haas-koeln.de/
The majority of his compositions are in the tonal and free tonal range.
Even though he is interested in the SECOND VIENNESE SCHOOL (Schönberg, Berg, Webern) and the circle around Stravinsky, as well as the development of NEW MUSIC, he realises his own ideas of sound.
As a designer and product creator, he has received many international awards and design prizes.
Newly published in 2020:
APHORISMS for mixed a cappella choir
„Von der Vielfalt seines Werks“ Photo and Text by Erich Krieger,
published in the Badische Zeitung on 28 September 2017